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Indian Economy: Before GST, After GST

Indian Economy: Before GST, After GST

The introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India marked a significant milestone in the country's economic landscape. This revolutionary tax reform replaced a complex web of indirect taxes and aimed to streamline the taxation system, enhance transparency, and boost overall economic growth.

The introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India marked a significant milestone in the country's economic landscape. This revolutionary tax reform replaced a complex web of indirect taxes and aimed to streamline the taxation system, enhance transparency, and boost overall economic growth.

In this blog, we will delve into the pre-GST and post-GST scenarios of the Indian economy, analyzing the impact of this historic tax reform on various sectors and the common man's pocket.

Understanding GST

In India, the delivery of goods and services is subject to the comprehensive indirect tax known as the Goods and Services Tax (GST). It went into effect on July 1, 2017, intending to streamline the tax code and unify the market nationwide. Here are some key aspects to understand about GST:

  • Structure of GST: GST is divided into two main parts: the Central GST (CGST) and the State GST (SGST). While the State Governments levy SGST, the Central Government collects CGST. The interstate supply of goods and services or imports is subject to an Integrated GST (IGST). The Central and State Governments split the IGST revenue.
  • Destination-based Tax: GST is a destination-based tax, which means the tax revenue is collected by the state where the goods or services are consumed. This ensures that the tax benefits go to the state where the final consumption occurs, encouraging balanced economic development across regions.
  • Input Tax Credit (ITC): One of the significant features of GST is the availability of input tax credit. Under GST, businesses can claim credit for the GST paid on the inputs (raw materials, goods, services) used in producing or supplying goods and services. This mechanism prevents the cascading effect of taxes and ensures that tax is levied only on the value addition at each stage of the supply chain.
  • GST Rates and Thresholds: GST is classified into multiple tax slabs based on the nature of goods or services. The primary GST rates are 5%, 12%, 18%, and 28%. Additionally, some goods and services are exempted from GST or fall under the composition scheme for small businesses with a turnover below a specified threshold. The GST Council periodically reviews and revises the tax rates to ensure a balanced tax structure.
  • Compliance and Returns: GST compliance involves various activities, such as registration, filing of returns, maintenance of records, and payment of taxes. Businesses registered under GST need to file regular returns, including monthly, quarterly, and annual returns, depending on the turnover and nature of the business. Adopting digital platforms and online systems has streamlined the compliance process and reduced paperwork.
  • GST Network (GSTN): The GSTN is the backbone of the GST system in India. It is a robust IT infrastructure that handles registration, return filing, and other related activities. The GSTN enables a seamless flow of information between taxpayers, tax authorities, and banks, facilitating efficient tax administration and minimizing errors.
  • Impact on Different Sectors: GST has had varying impacts on different sectors of the economy. While some sectors experienced positive outcomes, such as reduced compliance costs and elimination of inter-state barriers, others faced short-term disruptions during the transition period. The unified tax system has significantly benefited the logistics, manufacturing, and organized retail sectors. In contrast, sectors heavily dependent on unorganized or informal trade have required adjustments to comply with the new regulations.

Understanding GST is crucial for businesses, consumers, and policymakers alike. It has transformed India's tax landscape, bringing transparency, efficiency, and simplicity to the taxation system. By unifying the fragmented tax structure and fostering a common market, GST has laid the foundation for sustainable economic growth and development in India.

What is GST?

Indian Economy Before GST

The Indian economy before implementing the Goods and Services Tax ( GST) was characterized by a fragmented and complex taxation system. Here are some key aspects to understand about the Indian economy before GST:

  • Fragmented Tax Structure: Before GST, India had a multi-layered tax structure with various indirect taxes imposed by the central and state governments. These included excise duties, service tax, value-added tax (VAT), central sales tax, and entry tax. Each tax had its own set of rules, rates, and compliance procedures, resulting in a complicated tax regime. The existence of multiple taxes led to tax cascading, where taxes were levied at each stage of production or distribution, resulting in higher prices for consumers.
  • Lack of Uniformity: The tax system before GST lacked uniformity across states. Each state had its own tax laws, rates, and administrative procedures. This created a challenging environment for businesses operating across state boundaries as they had to navigate different tax regimes. Compliance with multiple tax laws increased the administrative burden for businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), impeding their growth and expansion.
  • Tax Barriers and Supply Chain Inefficiencies: Interstate movement of goods faced numerous challenges and inefficiencies. Different states imposed entry taxes and levied different tax rates, moving goods costly and time-consuming. This resulted in delays, increased logistics costs, and hindered the development of a seamless national market. Businesses had to set up multiple warehouses and distribution centers to comply with different state-level tax requirements, adding to operational complexities and costs.
  • Compliance Burden: The pre-GST tax regime placed a significant compliance burden on businesses. They had to maintain records, file multiple tax returns, and undergo regular tax assessments for each tax separately. Compliance requirements varied across taxes, resulting in duplication of efforts and increased administrative costs. SMEs, in particular, faced challenges in navigating complex compliance procedures, diverting their time and resources from core business activities.
  • Tax Evasion and Informal Economy: The complex tax structure provided avenues for tax evasion and the growth of the informal economy. The diversity of taxes and complicated compliance procedures allowed some businesses to evade taxes or resort to illicit practices. This led to revenue leakages for the government and created an uneven playing field for compliant businesses.
  • Inefficiencies in Tax Collections: The fragmented tax structure and administration processes resulted in inefficiencies in tax collections. The decentralized tax collection system made tracking transactions and enforcing compliance difficult. This impacted the government's ability to generate adequate tax revenues and invest in infrastructure development and social welfare programs.

GST addressed these challenges and aimed to streamline the taxation system, enhance transparency, and boost economic growth. The unified tax structure under GST eliminated the cascading effect of taxes, created a common market, simplified compliance procedures, and curbed tax evasion. These reforms have contributed to improving the efficiency of the Indian economy and making it more attractive for businesses and investments.

Taxes Before GST Introduction

Before implementing the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India, the country had a complex and fragmented tax system with multiple indirect taxes levied at the central and state levels. Here are some of the key taxes that existed before the introduction of GST:

Excise Duty: Excise duty was a tax imposed by the central government on producing goods within the country. It was levied at different rates based on the classification of goods. Excise duty was primarily applicable to the manufacturing sector and was charged for producing or manufacturing goods.

Value Added Tax (VAT): Value Added Tax was a state-level tax imposed on the sale of goods. Each state had its own VAT laws, rates, and administrative procedures. VAT was levied on the value addition at each stage of the supply chain, allowing businesses to claim credit for the VAT paid on inputs. It applied to goods produced within the state and those imported from other states.

Service Tax: Service tax was a central government tax levied on providing various services. It applied to various services, including banking, insurance, telecommunications, hospitality, transportation, and professional services. Service tax was charged on the value of services provided and was collected by service providers.

Central Sales Tax (CST): Central Sales Tax was a tax imposed on inter-state sales of goods. It was levied by the central government and collected by the selling state. CST was applicable when goods were sold from one state to another and were charged at a specific rate prescribed by the central government.

Customs Duty: Customs duty is a tax imposed on imports and exports. The central government collected it at the customs checkpoints. Customs duty was levied to protect domestic industries, regulate imports and exports, and generate revenue for the government. The customs duty rates varied based on the classification of goods and the country of origin or destination.

Octroi and Entry Tax: Octroi and entry tax were local taxes imposed by municipalities or authorities on entering goods into a city or town. These taxes were charged on goods outside the local jurisdiction and collected at checkpoints or entry points. Octroi and entry tax increased costs for businesses transporting goods across different regions.

The presence of multiple taxes with varying rates, rules, and compliance procedures created a complex and complicated tax structure. The lack of uniformity and the cascading effect of taxes resulted in higher business costs and increased consumer prices. This disjointed tax system hampered the development of a single national market, which also presented difficulties for interstate commerce.

The introduction of GST aimed to simplify the tax structure by subsuming these multiple taxes into a single comprehensive tax. GST replaced the fragmented tax regime, eliminated tax cascading, and streamlined compliance procedures, leading to a more efficient and unified tax system in India.

Indian Economy After GST

The implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) has had a significant impact on the Indian economy. Here are key aspects of understanding the Indian economy after the introduction of GST:

Understanding the Impact of GST on Our Economy:

Simplified Tax Structure and Compliance: GST has simplified the tax structure by replacing multiple indirect taxes with a unified tax system. This has reduced the compliance burden for businesses, streamlined tax administration, and improved ease of doing business. The simplified tax structure has also made it easier for businesses to expand across states, fostering a more integrated and unified national market.

Enhanced Tax Collections: GST has facilitated better tax administration and improved tax collections for the government. With the introduction of the GST Network (GSTN), a robust IT infrastructure, tax authorities can track transactions, verify compliance, and reduce tax evasion. The increased transparency and efficiency of the tax system have resulted in higher tax revenues, providing the government with resources to invest in infrastructure development and social welfare programs.

Impact of GST on the Common Man's Pocket

Reduced Prices for Essential Goods and Services: GST has eliminated the cascading effect of taxes, resulting in reduced prices for essential goods and services. The availability of input tax credit has allowed businesses to claim credit for the taxes paid on inputs, reducing production costs. This benefit is passed on to consumers through lower prices for essential items, improving affordability.

Impact on Inflation: The impact of GST on inflation has been mixed. While some sectors experienced a price reduction due to the elimination of cascading taxes, others witnessed temporary price fluctuations during the initial phase of GST implementation. However, over time, GST is expected to contribute to price stability by reducing production costs, improving supply chain efficiency, and minimizing tax distortions.

Impact of GST on Various Sectors:

Manufacturing and Logistics: GST has positively impacted the manufacturing and logistics sectors. It has simplified inter-state trade, eliminated entry taxes and check posts, and reduced logistics costs. This has improved supply chain efficiency, faster movement of goods, and reduced transportation time, benefiting manufacturing, distribution, and logistics industries.

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): GST implementation presented initial challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) due to compliance requirements and the transition to the new tax system. However, GST has also provided opportunities for SMEs to streamline their operations, expand their market reach, and benefit from a more transparent and unified tax regime.

E-commerce and Digital Economy: GST has significantly impacted the e-commerce and digital economy sectors. It has introduced a level playing field for online and offline retailers by removing tax differentials. Additionally, implementing the e-way bill system has streamlined logistics for e-commerce companies and improved compliance in the sector.

Service Sector: GST has had a substantial impact on the service sector. Service providers now come under the ambit of GST, and the tax rate for most services is standardized at 18%. This has led to better tax compliance, increased formalization of the service sector, and reduced cash transactions.

Real Estate: GST has brought significant changes to the real estate sector. At the same time, the sector witnessed initial disruptions; the introduction of GST has led to increased transparency, improved buyer confidence, and reduced tax complexities. Implementing the GST on construction materials has also impacted developers' property prices and input costs.

Benefits of GST

The introduction of GST has yielded several benefits, including:

  • Streamlined taxation system: GST replaced numerous taxes with a single tax, simplifying the tax structure and reducing compliance burdens.
  • Eliminating cascading effect: By allowing input tax credit across the value chain, GST eliminated the cascading effect of taxes, making goods and services more affordable.
  • Increased efficiency: GST introduced digital processes, such as online tax filing and e-way bills, leading to increased tax administration efficiency and reduced corruption.
  • Enhanced competitiveness: GST created a level playing field for businesses by removing interstate trade barriers and promoting fair competition.
  • Boost to GDP: GST can boost India's GDP growth by facilitating the smoother movement of goods and services, fostering investment, and improving tax collections.

Why is GST Important?

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) holds immense importance for the Indian economy. It is a significant tax reform that has brought about several positive changes. Here are some key reasons why GST is important:

  1. Simplified Tax Structure: With the GST, a complex structure of indirect taxes is replaced with a single tax system. Before GST, companies had to adhere to several tax rules, including excise duty, service tax, VAT, and others, which created administrative loads and compliance difficulties. With GST, the tax structure has been simplified, reducing the compliance burden for businesses and ensuring a more streamlined tax regime.
  2. Elimination of Cascading Effect: One of the critical benefits of GST is eliminating the cascading effect of taxes. When taxes are imposed on taxes already paid previously in the supply chain, this is called cascading or tax-on-tax. This leads to higher prices for consumers and reduces the competitiveness of businesses. GST enables businesses to obtain credit for the tax they pay on the inputs used in manufacturing or selling products and services.
  3. Creation of a Common Market: GST aims to create a unified market by removing inter-state barriers to trade. Before GST, different states had different tax laws and regulations, making it challenging for businesses to operate and expand across state boundaries. GST has simplified the movement of goods and services within the country, eliminating the need for multiple state-level registrations and reducing logistical hurdles. This has fostered a common market, promoting seamless trade and boosting economic growth.
  4. Boost to Ease of Doing Business: GST has significantly improved the ease of business in India. The unified tax system has reduced the complexities of multiple tax laws and made compliance procedures more straightforward. Businesses now have a single registration for GST instead of separate registrations for different taxes, making it easier to start and operate businesses. Digitalizing processes, such as online tax filing and e-way bills, has further enhanced efficiency and reduced administrative burdens.
  5. Curbing Tax Evasion: GST has introduced robust mechanisms to track and monitor transactions, reducing the scope for tax evasion. Implementing the GST Network ( GSTN) and requiring businesses to file regular returns have improved transparency and accountability. Technology and data analytics allow tax authorities to cross-verify information and identify discrepancies, deterring tax evasion and improving tax collections.
  6. Attracting Foreign Investments: GST has made India a more attractive destination for foreign investments. The unified tax structure and simplified compliance procedures provide greater clarity and transparency to investors. GST has removed several tax barriers and complexities that previously deterred foreign companies from operating in India. This has opened up opportunities for increased foreign direct investment, boosting economic growth and job creation.
  7. Enhancing Government Revenue: GST can increase the tax base and improve government revenue. Tax compliance is expected to improve with a simplified and transparent tax system, reducing the scope for tax evasion. Additionally, GST enables better monitoring of transactions and enhances the efficiency of tax administration. As a result, the government's tax collections are likely to improve over time, providing resources for infrastructure development, social welfare programs, and other developmental initiatives.

Challenges and Future Prospects for the Indian Economy

Implementing the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India has significantly changed the economy. However, it has also posed challenges along the way. Let's see the challenges faced before GST and the prospects for the Indian economy after its implementation.

Challenges Before GST

Transition and Implementation Challenges: The transition from the pre-GST tax regime to GST posed initial challenges for businesses, especially in understanding the new tax structure, updating systems, and adapting to new compliance requirements. The complexity of the tax structure and the need to migrate data and systems created some operational disruptions during the initial phase.

Administrative and Compliance Burden: Before GST, businesses had to comply with multiple tax laws at the central and state levels, leading to a significant administrative burden. The need to maintain separate records, file multiple tax returns, and undergo regular tax assessments added to the compliance challenges and costs.

Informal and Unorganized Sectors: The informal and unorganized sectors largely operated outside the tax net and faced challenges transitioning to the formal economy under GST. The compliance requirements and the need to maintain detailed records and file regular returns posed difficulties for these sectors, impacting their operations and profitability.

Initial Disruptions and Adjustment Period: The introduction of GST led to some disruptions in the initial phase as businesses adjusted to the new tax structure. Industries such as manufacturing, logistics, and retail experienced temporary disruptions in supply chains, pricing, and inventory management. However, these disruptions were expected during the transition and gradually stabilized over time.

Future Prospects After GST

Boost to Economic Growth: GST is expected to positively impact economic growth in the long run. Simplifying the tax structure, eliminating tax cascading, and creating a unified market will improve efficiency, reduce costs, and promote trade across states. This is likely to boost investment, manufacturing, and overall economic growth.

Increased Tax Compliance: GST can improve tax compliance in India. With its comprehensive system and technological advancements, GST enables better tracking and monitoring of transactions, reducing the scope for tax evasion. This increased compliance will increase tax revenues, providing the government with resources to invest in infrastructure development and social welfare programs.

Formalization of the Economy: GST has contributed to the formalization of the economy by bringing businesses into the tax net. The unified tax structure, simplified compliance procedures, and increased transparency have encouraged businesses to register under GST and operate in the formal sector. This formalization will lead to better governance, increased accountability, and improved access to credit for businesses.

Ease of Doing Business: GST has improved the ease of business in India. The simplified tax structure, online tax filing, and the introduction of digital processes such as e-way bills have reduced administrative burdens and paperwork. This streamlined business environment will attract more investments, stimulate entrepreneurship, and foster a business-friendly ecosystem.

Investment and Trade Opportunities: GST's unified tax structure and the creation of a common market have made India more attractive for domestic and foreign investments. Removing inter-state trade barriers and simplifying tax procedures have enhanced opportunities for trade and investments across states. This will contribute to economic integration, job creation, and increased competitiveness.


Implementing GST has transformed the Indian economy by simplifying the tax system, enhancing tax compliance, and creating a unified market. It has laid the foundation for sustained economic growth and improved the ease of doing business in the country. Despite the challenges faced during the transition period, the long-term benefits of GST are expected to propel India toward a more efficient and robust economic future.

GST is paramount for India as it simplifies the tax structure, eliminates cascading taxes, fosters the creation of a common market, curbs tax evasion, attracts foreign investments, and enhances government revenue. This transformative tax reform has brought about significant changes, improving tax compliance, boosting economic growth, and providing opportunities for investment and trade. Although certain sectors experienced temporary disruptions, GST is anticipated to yield long-term advantages by fostering a unified market, reducing tax evasion, and promoting economic efficiency and development.

The prospects for the Indian economy under GST are promising. The tax reform is expected to further boost economic growth, increase tax compliance, formalize the economy, enhance ease of doing business, and generate investment and trade opportunities. With continuous reforms and effective implementation, GST can contribute to India's sustained economic development, prosperity, and global competitiveness.